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Model validation and intercomparison – validation of numerical weather prediction and climate models that incorporate lake parameterization and lake data assimilation schemes single-column studies intercomparison of lake models, e.g.Data assimilation – snow and ice on lakes, reservoirs and other water bodies (data assimilation of observations and parameterization of snow and ice layers over water surfaces in numerical weather prediction and climate models, interaction air–snow–ice–water) assimilation of observational data on lake surface state (space-borne and in situ observations of lake surface state, assimilation of observational data into atmospheric models using lake parameterization schemes).Parameters – external parameters (raw data sets and generation of external-parameter fields required to use lake parameterization schemes in atmospheric models, e.g.Modelling – lake–atmosphere interactions and coupling (parameterization of lakes in numerical models of the atmosphere, the impact of lakes on atmospheric processes, greenhouse gases transfers) processes in freshwater bodies (including studies related to biochemistry and water quality issues, in frozen and not frozen conditions).The special issue “Modelling inland waters in a changing climate” is inviting contributions related to the following aspects of research on inland waters. The workshop was held on 22–24 October 2019 at Météo-France (Toulouse, France). This special issue arose from the “6th Workshop on Parameterization of lakes in Numerical Weather Prediction and Climate Modelling”.

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